首页  科学研究  学术论文  2016年
Q. M. Xie, J. H. Wang, S. X. Lu and J. L. M. Hensen (2016) Reliability Engineering & System Safety 154 188-196.
文章来源:SKLFS    作者:SKLFS    发布时间:2017-03-17

Q. M. Xie, J. H. Wang, S. X. Lu and J. L. M. Hensen (2016) An optimization method for the distance between exits of buildings considering uncertainties based on arbitrary polynomial chaos expansion. Journal/Reliability Engineering & System Safety 154 188-196. [In English]
Web link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2016.04.018
Keywords: Evacuation time; Uncertainty analysis; Performance-based fire protection; design; Optimization under uncertainties; Distance between exits; EVACUATION; MODELS

Abstract: The distance between exits is an important design parameter in fire safety design of buildings. In order to find the optimal distance between exits under uncertainties with a low computational cost, the surrogate model (i.e. approximation model) of evacuation time is constructed by the arbitrary polynomial chaos expansion. Through a two-stage nested Monte Carlo simulation of this surrogate model, the optimal distance between exits under uncertainty is found efficiently. In order to demonstrate the proposed method, a single room with two exits is presented as a fire compartment and uncertainties of occupant density, and child-occupant load ratio are also considered. In this case, the results showed that the optimal distance between exits changes with the level of probability of evacuation time, and there is a critical level of probability for the transition of the optimal value of the distance between exits. Furthermore, the traditional Monte Carlo simulation method is used to compare the accuracy of the surrogate model with the computer evacuation model FDS+Evac developed by the VIT Technical Research Center of Finland [1]. The results indicate that the proposed surrogate-based optimization method can achieve a similar accuracy with a much lower computational cost. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Q. M. Xie, J. H. Wang, S. X. Lu and J. L. M. Hensen (2016) Reliability Engineering & System Safety 154 188-196.
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