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[1] Wang, Z.D., Herbinet, O., Hansen, N., and Battin-Leclerc, F.*, 2019, Exploring hydroperoxides in combustion: history, and recent advances and perspectives, Prog. Energ. Combust. Sci. Invited Review Article, revised.
[2] Wang, Z.D.*, Chen, B., Moshammer, K., Popolan-Vaida, D. M., Sioud, S., Bhavani Shankar, V. S., Vuilleumier, D., Tao, T., Ruwe, L., Bräuer, E., Hansen, N., Dagaut, P., Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Raji, M. A., Sarathy, S. M., 2018, n-Heptane cool flame chemistry: Unraveling intermediate species measured in a stirred reactor and motored engine, Combust. Flame 187: 199-216.
[3] Wang, Z.D.*, Popolan-Vaida, D. M., Chen, B., Moshammer, K., Mohamed, S. Y., Wang, H., Sioud, S., Raji, M. A., Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Hansen, N., Dagaut, P., Leone, S. R., Sarathy, S. M. *, 2017, Unraveling the structure and chemical mechanisms of highly oxygenated intermediates in oxidation of organic compounds, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 114: 13102-13107.
[4] Wang, Z.D.*, Zhang, L., Moshammer, K., Popolan-Vaida, D. M., Bhavani Shankar, V. S., Lucassen, A., Hemken, C., Taatjes, C. A., Leone, S. R., Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Hansen, N., Dagaut, P., Sarathy, S. M. *, 2016, Additional chain-branching pathways in the low-temperature oxidation of branched alkanes, Combust. Flame 164: 386-396.
[5] Wang, Z.D.1, Zhang, X.Y.1, Xing, L. L., Zhang, L. D., Herrmann, F., Moshammer, K., Qi, F.*, Kohse-Höinghaus, K.*, 2015, Experimental and kinetic modeling study of the low- and intermediate-temperature oxidation of dimethyl ether, Combust. Flame 162: 1113-1125.

[6] Wang, Z.D., Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Cyclohexane and Its Mono-alkylated Combustion, Springer Book, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5693-2, ISBN 9789811056932 (online) 9789811056925 (print).

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